

A-JAM helps Alamo Colleges students to succeed in the exciting global field of jazz. You can be a part of our success by contributing to the program financially. Your donations are tax deductible, and can be made through the Alamo Colleges Foundation online, via mail, or by phone. To make a donation, call Lynne Dean at the Alamo Colleges Foundation, 210-486-4135 during business hours or email her at Tell her you want to contribute to the A-JAM fund, code 340005. She'll take care of everything... 

Looking to help create unique opportunities for serious community college students?  Our program gives young San Antonio musicians skills, knowhow, and entry into the exciting intercultural and international world of jazz, right at the top of the field. 
 Your contribution to our A-JAM mentorship fund ensures that this year's A-JAM honoree will be able to participate in the international intensive that is the capstone of our program

Endowed, the A-JAM fund sponsors--annually--one student to travel to the IASJ (International Association of Schools of Jazz) meeting. This global summit is a game changer for the individual student and for the local jazz culture. Over the past two decades, I've witnessed the change in communities near and far. The results run deep... 

Your contribution ensures the wherewithal to send students to places like Brazil (Jeané Gaines, 2011), Austria (Stephen Bennett, 2012), and Denmark (Odie Wallace, 2013) to perform and learn with peers from all over the globe. In 2014, we were in Cape Town, South Africa, at the University of Cape Town.

Exciting, isn't it?  How much money do we need? Costs vary, but an annual income of somewhere between $5,000 and $10,000 is ballpark. Not much in the grand scheme of things, is it?

Alamo Colleges music students thank you!

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